need可做情态动词,但通常以否定形式出现Must I wash the dishes?否定回答:No,you need't.只是must开头的时候才会吗?can should呢?1.He does not need________(do) too much homework.2.You need to eat more vegetbables.(改为否定句)


need可做情态动词,但通常以否定形式出现Must I wash the dishes?否定回答:No,you need't.
只是must开头的时候才会吗?can should呢?
1.He does not need________(do) too much homework.
2.You need to eat more vegetbables.(改为否定句)

而can should 开头的问句一般就用它们回答。
例如:can i ask you some questions?
yse,you can.
should we go for a walk ?
yes,we should. do
2.You needn't(don't need to) eat more vegetables

我之前也老纠结这个 不过熟悉了就好了。学习进步。

Must I wash the dishes?否定回答:No,you need't.对
Can I...Yes,you can.No,you can't
Should I...?    Yes,  you  should.  No,  you  shouldn't.
1.He does not need_to  do_______(do) too much homework.    因为前面用助动词does了,所以这里need是实义动词,要用to  do
2.You need to eat more vegetbables.(改为否定句) 
You  don't  need  to  eat  more  vegetables. 
因为need 后面没有用动词原形,而加了to  do,所以这里是实义动词