.It is very d___ to climb the mountain by yourself(横线上填什么)2.The dress of the colour is very p___ with the young people 横线上填什么3.Studying English is hard.H__,it is very important in the future.4.五百多人在夜校学习英语(用英语说)用介词填空:5.We`re very busy getting ready ___ the summer holiday6.Shanghai is ___the east of China.7.Let`s go ___ a field picnic.8.I`d like noodles ____ some tomatoes and beef.9.How long did you wait ____ your friend?


.It is very d___ to climb the mountain by yourself(横线上填什么)
2.The dress of the colour is very p___ with the young people 横线上填什么3.Studying English is hard.H__,it is very important in the future.4.五百多人在夜校学习英语(用英语说)用介词填空:5.We`re very busy getting ready ___ the summer holiday6.Shanghai is ___the east of China.7.Let`s go ___ a field picnic.8.I`d like noodles ____ some tomatoes and beef.9.How long did you wait ____ your friend?

.It is very dangerous to climb the mountain by yourself.
2.The dress of the colour is very popular with the young people.
3.Studying English is hard. However,it is very important in the future.
There are five hundred people studying English in night/evening school.【这个我猜的,应该可以用其他句型.= =】
5.We`re very busy getting ready for the summer holiday.
6.Shanghai is in the east of China.
7. Let`s go for a field picnic
.8.I`d like noodles with some tomatoes and beef.
9.How long did you wait for your friend?
in the ~of B (A在B之中) 中国东北部,如黑龙江
to the ~ of B(接壤但不包含) 与中国东北部接壤的地区,如朝鲜
on the ~ of C (不接壤不包含) 中国东北方向的地方,如韩国
亲是初二吧.这个in.on.to的辨别很重要.初二期末考试英语我就错在这上面.= =
dangerous 危险的;不安全的
be popular with受……欢迎
get ready for 为什么做好准备 后面加名词
wait for sb. 等待某人