There is a mountain of which the top is always covered with snow.这里的of which为什么不能替换成that?从句又不缺宾语


There is a mountain of which the top is always covered with snow.
这里的of which为什么不能替换成that?从句又不缺宾语

可以这么替换:There is a mountain whose top is always covered with snow.
whose = of which

前面半句和后面半句要连起来,“the top of the mountain", which 指代mountain,也可以变成这样 There is a mountain whose top is always covered with snow.

of which 在这里是所属关系,代替的是the mountain,句子翻译为 有一座顶部覆满雪的山.而且如果换成that,在句中是没有任何成分可以担当的~

of which the top 改成 the top of which 会好理解点
of which 换成whose 在这个语境中也对的