英语翻译翻译1.goes round the Earth 2.The Moon 3.The sea 4.The Sun 5.The star 6.Why does the Moon look bigger than the Sun sometimes 7.The Moon comes out only at night 8.The Moon is bigger than the Sun 9.The Moon is far away from the Earth 10.the Moon is much nearer to the Earth


1.goes round the Earth
2.The Moon
3.The sea
4.The Sun
5.The star
6.Why does the Moon look bigger than the Sun sometimes
7.The Moon comes out only at night
8.The Moon is bigger than the Sun
9.The Moon is far away from the Earth
10.the Moon is much nearer to the Earth

1 环游世界 2月亮 3大海 4 太阳 5星星
6为什么有时候月亮看起来比太阳大 7月亮只在晚上出来 8月亮比太阳大 9月亮离地球很远 10月亮离地球很近