我的英语辩论题:Space exploration will do more good than harm?正反方的观点陈述及辩论我是新手,我要做一篇英语辩论题:Space exploration will do more good than harm?正反方英语陈述观点,最好一月一号前有结果,最好给出正反方观点的英语详细陈述,含有通俗易懂的辩论词


我的英语辩论题:Space exploration will do more good than harm?正反方的观点陈述及辩论
我是新手,我要做一篇英语辩论题:Space exploration will do more good than harm?正反方英语陈述观点,最好一月一号前有结果,

正方:Space exploration will 1.expand our living room; 2.know more about the space; 3.predict dangers; 4.protect the earth.
反方:Space exploration will 1.pollute the space; 2.cause space war; 3.break the nature balance of the space.