英语书面表达:Library rules 怎么写!?根据如下几点,详细说明图书馆的制度,词数50~80!1.No food drink gum 2.Be quiet 3.Return books on time 4.Don't move around5.Don't make the books broken ! 速度啊!在线等! 是英语的啊!!!!!!!!!!!!拜托 ! 请看清题啊! 我的分给的很高啊! 就一篇初中英语作文而已啊!


英语书面表达:Library rules 怎么写!?
1.No food drink gum
2.Be quiet
3.Return books on time
4.Don't move around
5.Don't make the books broken !
在线等! 是英语的啊!!!!!!!!!!!!拜托 ! 请看清题啊! 我的分给的很高啊! 就一篇初中英语作文而已啊!

To keep the library work effectively and everyone shares the library resources in a harmonious surrounding, the following rules should be obeyed.
1.Don’t take any food or drink gum into the library to enjoy.
2.Keep silent! Don’t try to interrupt others.
3.Make sure the books that you borrowed return on time.
4.So as not to interrupt others, please don’t move around.
5.Love books! Keep them from broking.


To keep the library work effectively and everyone shares the library resources in a harmonious surrounding, the following rules should be obeyed.
1.Don’t bring any food,drink or gum into the library.
2.Be quiet! You are not allowed to talk loudly here.
3.Make sure that you return books on time. Any books overdue will be fined.
4.Don’t move around.You should take a seat to read.
5.Don't make the books broken! You should love the books you borrowed and keep them in good shape when you return them.


下面是一所学校的图书馆制度:Library Rules* Please enter the library in a quiet and respectful manner.* Remember-food and drinks,including water,are not permitted in the library.* During class time you...