1.Mike is older than any other boys in his class (改为同义句) Mike is _______ _______ in his class2.Is that your book?(改为同义句)Is that book ——————?3.My grandmother often goes swimming on Saturdays and Sundays.(改为同义句)My grandmother often goes swimming ———— ———— ————.4.Lucy is tall.Llily is taller(两句合并为一句)Lily is ———— ———— Lucy.5.That science book is diffcult.I can't it (两句合并为一句)That science book is _____ difficult _____ read for me.打完在给分,怕人乱答


1.Mike is older than any other boys in his class (改为同义句) Mike is _______ _______ in his class
2.Is that your book?(改为同义句)
Is that book ——————?
3.My grandmother often goes swimming on Saturdays and Sundays.(改为同义句)
My grandmother often goes swimming ———— ———— ————.
4.Lucy is tall.Llily is taller(两句合并为一句)
Lily is ———— ———— Lucy.
5.That science book is diffcult.I can't it (两句合并为一句)
That science book is _____ difficult _____ read for me.