Mom,I can’t find my keys.———————— Are they in your drawer?补全对话下来是:————————And they are not on the dresser.How about the desk?————————NO,I can‘t see them there.Maybe they are under the bed.No,only shoes are under the bed。————————You see,they are in your backpack。——————————怎么写哇??求高手解决急急急!!!大谢。


Mom,I can’t find my keys.———————— Are they in your drawer?补全对话
下来是:————————And they are not on the dresser.
How about the desk?————————
NO,I can‘t see them there.
Maybe they are under the bed.
No,only shoes are under the bed。
————————You see,they are in your backpack。

1.Can you help me?
2.No,they aren't.
3.Maybe you left them there.
4.I have found it.

Mom,I can’t find my keys. They aren't in my bag.Are they in your drawer?

1.Can you help me?
2.No,they aren't.
3.maybe you left them there.
4.I have found it.

no.they aren't
maybe you left them there.
how about your packs?