用所给词适当形式填空 Will you please ___ (not smoke ) in the room?—— I'm sorry,I won't .


用所给词适当形式填空 Will you please ___ (not smoke ) in the room?—— I'm sorry,I won't .

Will you please _not smoke __ (not smoke ) in the room? —— I'm sorry, I won't .

not smoke, Will you please 后跟动词原形。

will在这里是情态动词引导的表建议,嘱咐等的句型,根据情态动词后用动词原形后面给什么就填上就可以了,否定时,吧not放在动词前,不需改变,so,答案是 not smoke

答案是:not smoke
-Will you please not smoke in the room?
-I'm sorry, I won't.