这个房间比那个大两倍The room is _ _ _ that one.=This roomis _ _ _ _ _ that one.她的头发比你的长Her hair is _ _ -.这个箱子里的苹果比那个箱子里大The apples in this box _ _ _ _ in that box.这儿的天比北京热The weather here is _ _ _ in Beijing.


这个房间比那个大两倍The room is _ _ _ that one.=This roomis _ _ _ _ _ that one.
她的头发比你的长Her hair is _ _ -.
这个箱子里的苹果比那个箱子里大The apples in this box _ _ _ _ in that box.
这儿的天比北京热The weather here is _ _ _ in Beijing.

1. twice larger than ; three times as large as
2. longer than yours
3. are larger than those
4. hotter than that

The room is twice bigger than that one. = This room is three times as big as that one.
Her hair is longer than yours.
The apples in this box are bigger than those
The weather here is hotter than it

楼上苹果那题应该是are larger than those

twice larger than
longer than yours
are larger than those
hotter than the one

two times than twice the size of
larger than yours
are larger than that
hotter than that