【非谓语选择题】()sadly,the little boy raised his head and had the tears()down on purpose.A.Seen to cry;fallB.To be seen crying;fallingC.Seen crying;fallingD.To be seen to cry;fallraised his head 但是,①To be表示的不是将来时么?可这件事情是过去式了啊.②To be seen crying和To be seen to cry有什么区别?这和see sb.doing sth....see sb.to do sth.有什么区别?


【非谓语选择题】()sadly,the little boy raised his head and had the tears()down on purpose.
A.Seen to cry;fall
B.To be seen crying;falling
C.Seen crying;falling
D.To be seen to cry;fall
raised his head
但是,①To be表示的不是将来时么?可这件事情是过去式了啊.②To be seen crying和To be seen to cry有什么区别?这和see sb.doing sth....see sb.to do sth.有什么区别?

(1)be seen 是被动语态,to 表示目的状语(2)To be seen crying 表示被看见正在哭,而To be senn to cry,表示将要哭了,但是还没有哭出来。一个是被动语态,一个是陈述句语序

doing 是进行时态 to do 是看到的全过程

动词不定式除了表示将来的动作 还有一个重要作用就是:表示目的.
see sb.doing sth....see sb.to do sth.有什么区别?
see sb doing 看见某人正在做什么,强调动作正在进行.
see sb do 看见事情的整个经过或者结果,强调事情完成了.
be seen crying和 be seen to cry只不过是 see sb doing 和 see sb to do 的被动语态形式.前面的to 是题目中需要 ,表目的.跟被动式没关系.