中译英共10句急1.他被认为是个诚实的孩子(regard as)2她一定已经阅读过这本书了(must)3.我们已经保持联系10年了(keep in touch with)4.别用数学难题来烦我(trouble sb with)5.他要我帮他练习英语口语(help ...with)6.躺在床上看书对眼睛不利(be bad for)7.我真不想去麻烦他(hate dong)8.同学有说有笑的走进教室(go into9.对不起打扰一下,请问去车站怎么走?


1.他被认为是个诚实的孩子(regard as)
3.我们已经保持联系10年了(keep in touch with)
4.别用数学难题来烦我(trouble sb with)
5.他要我帮他练习英语口语(help ...with)
6.躺在床上看书对眼睛不利(be bad for)
7.我真不想去麻烦他(hate dong)
8.同学有说有笑的走进教室(go into

1.He was regarded as one honest boy.
2.She must have read this book.
3.We have been keeping in touch with each other for 10 yerars.
4.Don't trouble me with math problem.
5.He wants me to help him to practice spoken English
6.Rading in bad is bad for eyes.
7.I really hate troubling him.
8.Classmates went into classroom while singing and talking.
9.Excuse me, Can you tell me the way to the station?

1. he was considered that was honest child
2 she certainly already had read this book
3. we already maintained relates 10 year
4. not to be tired of my
5. with mathematics difficult problem he to want me to help him to practice spoken English
6. to lie down on the bed reads to eye disadvantageous
7. me does not want to go really to be troublesome his Schoolmate
8. to be merry enters classroom
9. to sorry disturbs, ask how went to the station to walk?

1,、He is regarded as a honest child
2、She must have been read this book
3、We have kept in touch with each other for 10 years
4、Please don't use trouble me with difficult math test
5、I have to hlep him with his spoken English
6、Reading on the bad is bad for eyes
7、I hate troubling him
8、Student go into classroom with saying and smile
9、Pardon , how to go to bus station

1. he is regarded as a honest boy
2.she must have read this book
3.we have kept in touch with each other for 10 years
4.don't trouble me with you math problems
5.he helps me with the oral english practice
6.it is bad for reading books on the bed
7.i hate bothering him
8.the students go into the classroom, laughing and talking with each other
9.excause me, how to get to the bus station

He is regarded as an honest child.She must have read this book.We have to keep in touch for 10 years.Do not bother me with math problems.He asked me to help him practice spoken English.Reading in bed ...

He was regarded as a honest boy.
She must have read this book.
We have kept in touch with each other for 10years.
Don`t touble me with math problems.
He asked me to help him with oral english.
It is bad for you to read books lying in bed.
I hate bothering him.
The students went into the classroom laughing and talking.
Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the railway station?