中译英.一、中国--可以接受西方式的握手礼仪,但更倾向于握得轻一点,还会稍微把目光放低一点,以示对对方的尊重.China - can accept Western-style handshake etiquette,but more inclined to hold it too lightly,but also slightly lowered their eyes a little ,to show respect for each other .直视对方的眼睛,会被视为不尊重.Look into each other's eyes ,it will be deemed to be disrespectful . 二、他的原形是青苹果,非常可爱.他来自豪门之家,每月零花钱一百万.他脑子有点笨,经常迷路,却运气极佳,经常能化险为夷.他喜欢吟诗.His prototype was green apple, very cute. He came from wealthy homes, one mil


一、中国--可以接受西方式的握手礼仪,但更倾向于握得轻一点,还会稍微把目光放低一点,以示对对方的尊重.China - can accept Western-style handshake etiquette,but more inclined to hold it too lightly,but also slightly lowered their eyes a little ,to show respect for each other .直视对方的眼睛,会被视为不尊重.Look into each other's eyes ,it will be deemed to be disrespectful .
His prototype was green apple, very cute. He came from wealthy homes, one million monthly pocket money. He was a bit stupid, does not count, often get lost, but good luck, often saved the day. He likes poetry.

China, can accept western handshake etiquette, but tend to hold a little light, will be a little look down, in order to show respect for each other.Look straight into the eyes of each other, can be regarded as disrespect.
His prototype is green apple, very lovely. He came from club house, one million monthly allowance. His mind is a little bit stupid, won't count, often get lost, but good luck, often to head off a danger. He likes poetry.

The hand-shaking of the western countries could be accepted in China.But Chinese people prefer a more gentle handshaking and also with their eyes downcast to show respect to people.It would be regard as disrespect if you look directly into other's eyes.
His prototype was a cute green apple.He was born with golden spoons in his mouth and his pocket mony was as much as one million yuan(美元的话就是dollar,你根据情况选用) every month.He was not very clever and not so good at counting.He often got lost but he bear a charmed life.He liked humming verses.