


From the United States,Japan,Germany and other developed countries the changes of the financial industry management system can be seen,the financial industry and mixes industry the management mode dividing the choice problem has been troubling financial regulatory authorities of all countries.The twentieth century global financial industry has experienced a series of profound changes,and many countries such as banking,securities and insurance industries more experienced divided by the mixed to segregation and then return to mixes industry the management process of development.The bank reform by the influence of the lag,China still take separate operation mode,but with the financial system to develop and financial market of the gradual improvement,at present China has set up a file in the policy was broken on Banks,securities,insurance of capital between the barriers,each other between "cooperation" and business have obvious progress crossover,for the next step of the regulation of the mixed operation to lay the foundation.
This article from mixes industry the management and financial companies based on the theory of contrast,analyzing the United States,Japan and Germany the financial industry management system of changes and its business model choice,find out the main developed countries mixes industry the management development of the cause of the general.According to the specific situation of China's economic development,and put forward the mixes industry the management is the inevitable choice for China.