


my name is xxx, you can call me xxx, I'm 18 years old and my English name is sherry, there are 4 member in my family, they are my parents, brother and me.

My name is `````you can call me``````i am 18 years old. my english name is sherry,There are four people in my family,dad mum brouther and me .

my name is....you can call me.....I am 18 years old from.....my English name is sherry.My family has four persons ,namely father and mother,elder brother and me.

My name is XXX, you can also call me XXX. I'm 18. I come from XXX, and my English name is XXX. In my family, there are my father, mother,my elder brother and I.

My name is XXX,you can call me XXX,I'm 18 years old form XXX,My english name is Sherry and there are four members in my family:my father ,my mother,my elder brother and me.