see sb do see接从句?什么时候用see sb doing/do?什么时候see接从句?请参照:The students saw it____(happen/happened)when they were walking near the river.I could see the boys of Class Two____(play/played basketball)on the playground


see sb do see接从句?
什么时候用see sb doing/do?什么时候see接从句?
请参照:The students saw it____(happen/happened)when they were walking near the river.
I could see the boys of Class Two____(play/played basketball)on the playground

see sb do 看见某人做什么事情的全过程
see sb doing 看见某人正在做什么事情
see+(that)+宾语从句 (从句说明是一个完整的句子,是有主语,谓语,宾语的)
1.happen 当学生走到河附近时看见发生的全过程
2.playing 看见2班的男孩子在操场里正在玩耍