英语翻译20世纪初的一位美国意大利移民曾为人类精神历史写下灿烂光辉的一笔.他叫弗兰克,经过艰苦的积蓄开办了一家小银行.但一次银行抢劫导致了他不平凡的经历.他破了产,储户失支了存款.当他拖着妻子和四个儿女从头开始的时候,他决定偿还那笔天文数字般的存款.所有的人都劝他:“你为什么要这样做呢?这件事你是没有责任的.”但他回答:“是的,在法律上也许我没有,但在道义,我有责任,我应该还钱.”还的代价是三十九年的艰苦生活,寄出最后一笔“债务”时,他轻叹:“现在我终于无债一身轻了.”他用一生的辛酸和汗水完成了他的责任,而给世界留下了一笔真正的财富.乌鸦兄弟俩同住在一个窠里,有一天,窠破了一个洞,大乌鸦想老二会修的,小乌鸦想老大会修的,结果谁也没有去修.后来洞越来越大了,大乌鸦想:“这下老二一定会去修了,难道窠这样破了,它还能住吗?”小乌鸦想:“这下老大一定会修了,难道窠这样破了,它还能住吗?”结果又是谁也没有去修.一直到了寒冷的冬天,西北风呼呼地刮着,大雪纷纷地飘落.乌鸦兄弟俩都 蜷缩在破窠里,哆嗦地叫着:”大


乌鸦兄弟俩同住在一个窠里,有一天,窠破了一个洞,大乌鸦想老二会修的,小乌鸦想老大会修的,结果谁也没有去修.后来洞越来越大了,大乌鸦想:“这下老二一定会去修了,难道窠这样破了,它还能住吗?”小乌鸦想:“这下老大一定会修了,难道窠这样破了,它还能住吗?”结果又是谁也没有去修.一直到了寒冷的冬天,西北风呼呼地刮着,大雪纷纷地飘落.乌鸦兄弟俩都 蜷缩在破窠里,哆嗦地叫着:”大乌鸦想:“这样冷的天气,老二一定耐不住,它会去修.小乌鸦想:“这样的天气,老大还耐得住吗?它一定会去修了.”如此冷的天气可还是谁也没有动手,只是把身子蜷缩得更紧些.风越刮越凶,雪越下越大.结果,窠被大风吹到地上,两只乌鸦都冻僵了.

Early 20th century, Italian immigrants who have an American write the history of the human spirit a brilliant brilliant. He told Frank, after a difficult start up a small savings bank. But a bank robbery led to his extraordinary experience. He was bankrupt, depositors lost support of the deposit. When he dragged his wife and four children from the beginning, he decided to repayment of the astronomical savings. Everyone tried to persuade him: "Why are you doing this? This matter is not your responsibility." But he answered: "Yes, maybe I did not in law, but morally, I have the responsibility, I should pay back the money. "
Also at the cost of the hard life of 30 hours, sent the last a "debt", he sighs: "Now I finally debt-free." He used the bitterness of life, and perspiration completed his duty, and left the world a true treasure.
Crow brothers live in a nest in one day, broke a hole in the nest, raven second child will want to repair, small crow would like to repair old and the General Assembly, the result no one to repair. Later, more and more holes, and a large crow like: "This second child will go under repair, do not they nest so broke that it can live it?" Little crow like: "This is the next boss will repair, do not they nest so broken, it is possible to live in it? "The result is no one to repair. Until a cold winter, northwest wind whistling to blowing, drifting snow have to. The brothers are all curled up under crows nest, the shiver, saying: "cool ah! Cool ah!" Raven thought: "This cold weather and her younger brother must have lost, it will go to repair. Little crow like:" this weather, Boss also endure it? It will go to repair. "Cold weather can be so still no one has hands-on, just some body curled up even tighter. Fierce wind getting up, the snow grew larger and larger. A result, a large nest was blown to the ground, two crows were frozen.

In the early 20th century,a Italian American had written a brilliant page in the human spirit history.The man is Frank,he set up a small bank after saving so hard,when once the Bankueberfall changed his life.He was broken,and the depositors lost their money too.But he desided to repay all the money while he had to start his life from the beginning with his wife and 4children.All his friends said to him,"you don't have to do this,it's not your fault."but he said,"by law,i might not take the responsibility,but morally and emotionally i do,i have to pay back the money."
it took 39 years of harding working,when he sent his last debt,which he always thought so,he sighed,"now i am free,finally."
The man spend his whole life in hard for responsibility,but had given a real wealth to the world.