1.Tom is -----his height.a.rather thin b.too thin for c.so thin for d.very thin of2.He knew-----little French that he could'n make himself understood.a.so b.such c.too d.very3.The stars are----when here is no moona.the brightest b.brifhtest c.more brigter d.much bright4.the buses run every----minutes.a.other b.many c.a few d.few


1.Tom is -----his height.a.rather thin b.too thin for c.so thin for d.very thin of
2.He knew-----little French that he could'n make himself understood.
a.so b.such c.too d.very
3.The stars are----when here is no moon
a.the brightest b.brifhtest c.more brigter d.much bright
4.the buses run every----minutes.
a.other b.many c.a few d.few

C so。。。for 。。。对。。。太。。。
B such。。。that。。。如此。。。以致(注意时态)
A *(也可用排除法,B错在形容词*少了the,C重复了比较级,D,much 修饰比较级)
D every few minutes 每几分钟

c a a d

1.b 第一小题的原因我也不太确定了,没有找到合适的依据,是凭感觉做的.2.a 当little表示数量时,虽然后面的中心词还是名词,也要用so修饰.3.a 意思是“当这儿没有月亮时,星星最亮.”c和d的表达就不正确,b少了the,*...