求作文思路:which one acts more influence on you,newspaper,TV,or people like your teachers,parents?
求作文思路:which one acts more influence on you,newspaper,TV,or people like your teachers,parents?
首先选择一个你觉得对你影响最深的写。在第一段中,你可以做个简单的introduction,说明很多东西都影响了你(如: newspaper.....), 然后引出主题,but what influences me most is......。然后正文几段分别写在哪几方面的影响,如,学习态度,生活方式以及与人相处的问题上(写几个就行)。最后一段点题就OK啦!
My teachers have the most influence on me.On the front of newspaper and TV,I'm just a listener.I can't choose the topic I was interested,but could only accept what they provided.So,the content of news...