They are [my sisters].对括号部分提问Is this your brother?[改为复数]How is he [改为复数]That is a ruler[改为复数]These aren't oranges.[改为单数形式】What color are the keys?[改单数句Bruce is my father and Ann is my mother.改为同义句


They are [my sisters].对括号部分提问
Is this your brother?[改为复数]
How is he [改为复数]
That is a ruler[改为复数]
These aren't oranges.[改为单数形式】
What color are the keys?[改单数句
Bruce is my father and Ann is my mother.改为同义句

  1. Who are they?

  2. Are these your brothers?

  3. How are they?

  4. Those are rulers.

  5. This is not an orange.

  6. W hat color is the key?

  7. Bruce and Ann are my parents.


Is this your brother?[改为复数]--Are these your brothers
How is he ?[改为复数]--How are they
That is a ruler[改为复数]--Those are rulers
These aren't oranges.[改为单数形式】--This isn't orange
What color are the keys?[改单数句--What colors is the key
Bruce is my father and Ann is my mother.改为同义句--Bruce and Ann are my parents.

1、They are [my sisters].[对括号部分提问]Who are they?2、Is this your brother?[改为复数]Are these your brothers?3、How is he [改为复数]How are they?4、That is a ruler.[改为复数]Those are some rulers.5...

  1. Are these your brothers?

  2. How are they?

  3. Those are rulers.

  4. This isn't an orange.

  5. What color is the key?

  6. Bruce and Ann are my parents.
