The weather here is different from that in jinan.改为同义句The weather here is〔〕〔〕〔〕〔〕that in jinan.Mr Green usually takes a train to his home.改为同义句Mr Green usually〔〕home〔〕 train . It's [five minutes' walk] fome here to my home.对括号提问


The weather here is different from that in jinan.改为同义句
The weather here is〔〕〔〕〔〕〔〕that in jinan.
Mr Green usually takes a train to his home.改为同义句
Mr Green usually〔〕home〔〕 train .
It's [five minutes' walk] fome here to my home.对括号提问

not the same as
gose by
how long does it from here to you home?