Is this school__we visited three years ago?和Is this the school __we visited three years ago?具体差别在哪?where which 分别该填哪个?为什么?


Is this school__we visited three years ago?和Is this the school __we visited three years ago?
具体差别在哪?where which 分别该填哪个?为什么?

Is this school_____ we visited three years ago? ( 主从句都缺成分)将它变为 This school is _____ we visited three years ago. 这里应该填入 the one (that). 这是is引导的表语从句中又夹着一个that引导的定语从句。This school is (?)(_____ we visited three years ago. )填入the one 引导表语从句;而the one (that) we visited是定语从句,visit是及物动词,缺少宾语,that充当宾语且可省略;

Is this the school____we visited three years ago?(只有从句缺宾语)答案有三which\that\不填
