Two hundred of students went to the Great wall和Two hundred students went to the Great wallTwo hundred of students went to the Great Wall和Two hundred students went to the Great Wall哪个正确?为什么?如果两个都正确,那么翻译和区别又是什么?


Two hundred of students went to the Great wall和Two hundred students went to the Great wall
Two hundred of students went to the Great Wall和Two hundred students went to the Great Wall哪个正确?为什么?如果两个都正确,那么翻译和区别又是什么?

Two hundred students went to the Great Wall是正确的表达。
hundred前面有具体数字,hundred 后不能用of , hundred 后要用of 的话,hundred 要用复数形式,既是hundreds of .

Two hundred students went to the Great wall.这一句是正确的.意思是:两百名学生去了长城.前一句的正确表达应该是:Two hundred of 【the 】students went to the Great wall.必须加 定冠词 the ,意思是:学生当中...