Miss liu taught us Chinese last year 对Miss liu提问The new schoolbag is on the desk 对on the desk提问My brother went to the zoo last week对last week提问This pen is Jim’s 对 Jim’s提问


Miss liu taught us Chinese last year 对Miss liu提问
The new schoolbag is on the desk 对on the desk提问
My brother went to the zoo last week对last week提问
This pen is Jim’s 对 Jim’s提问

  1. Who taught you Chinese last year?

  2. Where's the new schoolbag?

  3. When did your brother go to the zoo?

  4. Whose pen is this?

Is Miss liu who taught us Chinese last year?

Who taught you Chinese last year?
Where is the new schoolbag?
When/ What time did your brother go to the zoo?
Whose is this pen?/Whose pen is this?