高中英语语法的一道题,非谓语动词In the front of the classroom sat a teacher, ___________ students seated around him discussing a hard problem with him.A. Whose B. his C. which D. and his参考答案给的是B,说的什么因为seat是及物动词所以该部分不是个句子所以不需要连词所以排除A、C、D……看不懂,求清楚解答!


In the front of the classroom sat a teacher, ___________ students seated around him discussing a hard problem with him.
A. Whose B. his C. which D. and his

a teacher sat in front of the classroom, whose students....这个你很熟悉吧,前面主句,后面从句 意思是一个老师坐在教室前面,他的学生。。。。
而变化就是通过非谓语形式 in the front of the classroom sat a teacher, his...
再说一个细节:第一句sat是过去式,做谓语 第二句是过去分词,做定语

我能帮你的是,先把这个句子换一下位置。_____students seated around him discussing a hard problem with him, a teacher sat in the front of the classroom.前面的一整部分不是一个句子(至于为什么不是参照下面那个十级的解释,说的很细致)做后面那个句子的状语。独立主格和seat 的用法都是难点,你先百度一下,静下心来好好分析,你会明白的,以后遇到类似的也不会纠结了。

首先,后面这个句子是用来描述 teacher的,根据后面的提示“him” 这会是一位男老师,

In the front of the classroom sat a teacher,"在教室前坐着的一个老师",是短语,对后面的主句补充说明.整句话缺主语,选B后主语明确为his students.

正确答案真的是 B. his. 解释如下:
seat 作为动词,实际是一个及物动词,“使某人坐下”。在句子中,一般用人作主语,那么 seat 就用成了被动语态,最常用的词组是 be seated,根据情景不同,be seated 可以表示“坐着”的状态(= be sitting),也可以表示“坐下”这个动作(= sit down)。例句:
The students are seated in the classroom (= The students are sitting in the classroom)
Please be seated. (= Please sit down.)
在这个题目中,seated 表示“坐着”的状态。
此题的后半部分,即:his students seated around him discussing a hard problem with him. 是一个独立主格结构,seated 是过去分词,不是完整的谓语。如果你把 seated 改成 were seated,那么 A 和 D 就都正确,A 引导定语从句,D 连接并列句。至于C,就是改成定语从句在这里也不行,因为找不到哪个物体作先行词。

A,这是定语从句,whose 在定语从句中做定语。

我们先看后面的 students seated around him 这不是一个句子
因为seated 是 seat 的过去分词形式 seat 的用法你要搞清楚
be seated 才是坐下的意思 seat someone 让某人坐下
Students were seated around him. 学生们围着他坐下 这才是完整的句子
然而题目中是students seated around him (discussing a hard problem with him 做伴随状语)
不是句子 所以不能用 定语从句 因为要用
a teacher,whose students were seated around him 才是对的
为什么不选D呢 因为and是个连词 两次是连接两个句子的 我们说过后半部分不是一个完整的句子 所以 不能选
最后 只有B 是正确的
为什么呢? 因为 这里是独立主格结构 如果这么说你可能好理解些
A teacher sat In the front of the classroom, (his) students seated around him discussing a hard problem with him.

这属于独立主格结构。若选a,为 whose students are seated around him discussing a hard problem with him. 若选c,which 不能指认。选d也不行,students后要加are.
因为词组为be seated