1) Tokyo is the capital of Japan..(一般疑问句) 2) Tokyo is north-east of Shanghai.(选择疑问句) )3) They arrived at the station at three yesterday.(划线部分提问)求求你们帮帮忙吧


1) Tokyo is the capital of Japan..(一般疑问句) 2) Tokyo is north-east of Shanghai.(选择疑问句) )
3) They arrived at the station at three yesterday.(划线部分提问)求求你们帮帮忙吧

1、Is Tokyo the capital of Japan?
2、Is Tokyo north-east of Shanghai or not?
3、When did they arrive at the station?(对at three yesterday提问)
Where did they arrive at three yesterday?(对at the station 提问)

1) Tokyo is the capital of Japan,isn't it?2)Is Tokyo north-east of Shanghai or not?3)Where did they arrive at three yesterday?对 at the station 提问 When did they arrive at the station?对at three yes...