Has she made____ (rapid) progress in her study?It is a piece of ___(surprise)news that it makes us接上____(surprise) You have made great progress in English.A.So I do B.So do I C.So I have D.So have I I didn’t know what ____ to her last night A.has happened B.happening C.happened Dwas happen Mr.Green has a MP3 as a present ,but ___his son ___his daughter likes it.A.not noly;but also Bneither;nor Cboth;and Deither;or请英语高人来急救,考试后大家下来对答案后这几题有分歧,请高人帮个忙,给个正确


Has she made____ (rapid) progress in her study?It is a piece of ___(surprise)news that it makes us
接上____(surprise) You have made great progress in English.A.So I do B.So do I C.So I have D.So have I I didn’t know what ____ to her last night A.has happened B.happening C.happened Dwas happen Mr.Green has a MP3 as a present ,but ___his son ___his daughter likes it.A.not noly;but also Bneither;nor Cboth;and Deither;or
