My home is quite far away……………… 完形填空答案My home is quite far away 51 school.It’s anout 15 kilometers.I have to get up very 52 every morning.First ,I walk to the 53 .It takes me about five minunts.Then I take the bus.Because I have 54 time to eat beeakfast at home.I always eat it 55 the bus.Twenty mintues later,I 56 the bus.And then I take 57 bus or the subway.It takes about me 20 minutes by bus and 10 minutes by subway.I hardly ever take the subway.58 t


My home is quite far away……………… 完形填空答案
My home is quite far away 51 school.It’s anout 15 kilometers.I have to get up very 52 every morning.First ,I walk to the 53 .It takes me about five minunts.Then I take the bus.Because I have 54 time to eat beeakfast at home.I always eat it 55 the bus.Twenty mintues later,I 56 the bus.And then I take 57 bus or the subway.It takes about me 20 minutes by bus and 10 minutes by subway.I hardly ever take the subway.58 the subway satation is far away from school.The bus satation is near.59 the bus is too crowded(拥挤),I have to take the subway.Although it is also crowded,the subway is faster 60 the bus.51,A of B,at C,for D,from 52.A,late B,early C,later D,earlier 53.A,school B,bus stop C,subway station D,bus 54,A,not B,any C ,no D,more 55,A,on B,in C,of Dinto 56,A,get on B,take on C,get off D,take off 57,A,other B,others C,the other D,another 58,A,So B,Beause C,But D,Though 59,A,Then B,Although C,As D,If 60,A,before B,then C,than D,to