Dear dad:How are you these days?Do you still feDear dad:How are you these days?Do you still fell happy?winter is coming,and the weather is becoming More and more cold .I just stay in the study and enjoy computer games.But what about you?Every day,you have to walk the winter sun and work all day .If I were you,I couldn't stand it any longer!You work really much!I'm worried about you .I know all you did is for me.Dad,trust me,I won't be so naughty.I'll


Dear dad:How are you these days?Do you still fe
Dear dad:How are you these days?Do you still fell happy?winter
is coming,and the weather is becoming More and more cold .I just stay in the study and enjoy computer games.But what about you?Every day,you have to walk the winter sun and work all day .If I were you,I couldn't stand it any longer!You work really much!I'm worried about you .I know all you did is for me.Dad,trust me,I won't be so naughty.I'll try my best to do well in my study,and leave a good impression to you.Let's word hard together,although we cannot see often.I miss you...

亲爱的爸爸: 那些日子你好吗?你还觉得开心吗?冬天要到了, 这季候来得比平时冷。我只是呆在读书和享受电脑游戏。但是你呢? 每天,你要走 (winter 是冬天,配太阳怪怪的,我先翻译under) 在太阳底下工作整天。如果我是你, 我不能站那么久!你真的工作太多了!我很担心你。我知道你做这些都是为了我。爸,相信我, 我不会乱来。我在读书的时候会做到最好, 和给你好的印象。我们一起努力吧,虽然我们不能时常见面。我想你...
有问题再追问 :)



这些日子你过得好吗? 你还觉得开心吗? 冬天快要到了, 天气越来越冷。我只是继续学习和享受电脑游戏。但是你呢? 每天都要走路去上班,而且工作就是一整天。如果我是你, 我真的不能站那么久!你实在是工作太多了!我很担心你。我明白你所做的一切都是为了我。爸爸, 相信我, 我不会顽皮的。 在学习方面我会尽量做到最好, 给你一个好的印象。让我们共同努力吧!虽然我们不能时常见面。我想念你......