★()did they work here?-for more then five years.A.How far B.How often C.How much D.How long★()You'd better try () the work ()another way.A.doing,in B.doing,with C.to do,forDto do,with ★Lang Lang played ()music last concert.A.Piece of B.pieces C.pieces of D.some pieces ★What() your father He is a().A.are,worker B.is,teacher C.are,forty years old D.is,in the factory ★Mom makes me eat an apple every day ()the doctor away.A.Keeps B.is kept C.to keep D.Kep


★()did they work here?-for more then five years.A.How far B.How often C.How much D.How long
★()You'd better try () the work ()another way.A.doing,in B.doing,with C.to do,forDto do,with ★Lang Lang played ()music last concert.A.Piece of B.pieces C.pieces of D.some pieces ★What() your father He is a().A.are,worker B.is,teacher C.are,forty years old D.is,in the factory ★Mom makes me eat an apple every day ()the doctor away.A.Keeps B.is kept C.to keep D.Kept

1.A 这题的意思是你最好试试用另外的方式来做这项工作.try doing sth 尝试做某事.in the way 用.的方式.2.C 这题如果朗朗演奏一首曲子的话应该是a piece of music.如果是几首曲子的话 应该是 (some )pieces of music
3.B 你爸爸是做什么的?他是一位教师
4.C 妈妈让我每天吃个苹果远离医生.Mom makes me eat an apple是 一个句子,后面补充说明是为了保持健康远离医生,所以要用动词不定时 to do sth.表示目的