英语翻译THE light of the Olympic torch (火炬) fell on China for the first time yesterday as smiling teens ran with it on the streets of Beijing.The Olympic flame (圣火) came all the way from Olympia,Greece.It was lit there on March 25.Beijing was the fifth stop for the torch after it left Greece on June 2.It will pass 34 cities in all before going back to Athens,where the Games will begin on August 13.The torch relay (接力) through Beijing was about 55 kilomete


THE light of the Olympic torch (火炬) fell on China for the first time yesterday as smiling teens ran with it on the streets of Beijing.
The Olympic flame (圣火) came all the way from Olympia,Greece.It was lit there on March 25.Beijing was the fifth stop for the torch after it left Greece on June 2.It will pass 34 cities in all before going back to Athens,where the Games will begin on August 13.
The torch relay (接力) through Beijing was about 55 kilometers.It began at the Great Hall of the People and ended at the Summer Palace.It took 148 people about eight hours to finish it.
Yu Zaiqing,from the Chinese Olympic Committee,ran the first part of the relay,and basketball star Yao Ming finished it.
Of the others in the relay,there were officials (官员),athletes (运动员),singers and students.Most of them ran about 400 meters,but some others rode bikes!
A few middle school students also got to carry the torch.
He Zhouling was the youngest person to carry the torch.The 14-year-old from Libo No 2 Middle School in Guizhou was picked for the relay because she does so well at school.
"My heart was going fast as I ran with the torch," she said."Many people cheered for me on the streets,and I kept smiling at them.I wanted to run even further!"
He,a Bouyei (布依族),said she was proud (骄傲的) to be chosen."It means everyone in China shares the Olympic spirit," she said.
Besides the relay,there were other colorful things to watch in Beijing,like yang-ko (秧歌),lion dances,taijiquan and an inline skating (轮滑) show.
The flame leaves China for India today.









