he won't be back in an hour,i think...(合并为一复合句)he thanked me because i had helped him carry the box.(变简单句)where does your aunt live?could you tell me?(合并为一复合句)will he come here in an hour?do you know?(合并为一复合句)i don't know what i shall do.(改为简单句)


he won't be back in an hour,i think...(合并为一复合句)
he thanked me because i had helped him carry the box.(变简单句)
where does your aunt live?could you tell me?(合并为一复合句)
will he come here in an hour?do you know?(合并为一复合句)
i don't know what i shall do.(改为简单句)


I think he won't be back in an hour
Could you tell me where your aunt lives?
Do you know if he will come here in an hour?
I don't know what to do.
He thanked me because of my carrying the box for him

1.He thanked me; The reason was that I had helped him carry the box.
2.Could you tell me where your aunt lives?
3.Do you know whether he will come here in an hour?
4.I don't know what to do.
I think he won't be back in an hour.

I think he won't be back in an hour.
I helped him carry the box. He thanked me.
Could you tell me where your aunt lives?
Do you know if he will come here in an hour?
What shall I do ? I don't know...