将以下句子用引号标出的动词改成被动语态,省略someone.⒈Someone “has prepared” a meal for you.⒉Someone “will translate” the book into English.⒊Someone “must send” a telegram to him.⒋Someone “had put out”the fire before the brigade arrived.⒌Someone “gave” the cat some milk to drink.第四句改为:Someone “had put out”the fire before the fire brigade arrived.


⒈Someone “has prepared” a meal for you.
⒉Someone “will translate” the book into English.
⒊Someone “must send” a telegram to him.
⒋Someone “had put out”the fire before the brigade arrived.
⒌Someone “gave” the cat some milk to drink.
第四句改为:Someone “had put out”the fire before the fire brigade arrived.

A meal has been prepared for you.
The book will be translated into English.
A telegram must be sent to him.
The fire had been put out before the fire brigade arrived.
The cat was given some milk to drink.