用所给词的正确形式填空大家帮帮忙 1.We___(want)___(go) to the Great Wall.2.What___the girl___(do) now?She___(dance).3.The boys___(draw)pictures at the moment.4.Please___(read)English now.5.Where is Jim?He___(swim) in the ruver.刚刚用百度提问题给的财富不多- -请谅解


用所给词的正确形式填空大家帮帮忙 1.We___(want)___(go) to the Great Wall.
2.What___the girl___(do) now?She___(dance).
3.The boys___(draw)pictures at the moment.
4.Please___(read)English now.
5.Where is Jim?He___(swim) in the ruver.
刚刚用百度提问题给的财富不多- -请谅解

1.want to go
2.is /doing/is dancing
3.are drawing
5.is swimming

we want to go to the great wall.
what is the girl doing now?she is dancing.
the boys is drawing pictures at the moment.
please read english now.
where is jim?he is swimming in the river.

1.We__want_(want)_to go__(go) to the Great Wall.
What__is _the girl__doing_(do) now? She__is dancing(dance).
3.The boys___are drawing(draw)pictures at the moment.
4.Please__read_(read)English now.
5.Where is Jim? He_is swimming__(swim) in the ruver.


want to go
is doing is dancing
is drawing
is swimming