when you choose schoolthings,what is important to you Please tick them._____________1.They 're beautiful ._____________2.They 're cheap._____________3.They're the same as my friends'._____________4.They're in style ._____________5.They're easy to use ._____________6.They're made in Korea.Else_______________________________.


when you choose schoolthings,what is important to you Please tick them.
_____________1.They 're beautiful .
_____________2.They 're cheap.
_____________3.They're the same as my friends'.
_____________4.They're in style .
_____________5.They're easy to use .
_____________6.They're made in Korea.


a、They're in style .
b、They 're cheap.
c、They 're beautiful .
d、They're easy to use .
e、They're made in Korea.
f、They're the same as my friends'.
ELES:They are original(新颖的),and differnt from others.