traffic accident英语作文


traffic accident英语作文

Traffic Accident
I have met a hard traffic accident yesterday evening. when I was walking leisurly in the street,a boom sound heavily scratched by my ear, which astonished me. It turned out was a traffic accident, a drunk driver over speed and rushed on a big bus. How terrible is it!it made such a big damage.
Fron the traffic accident we can learn that everyone should be responsible for himself and care the life of others. Driver shoule not drunk driving and should obey the traffic rules. Beside, everyone's life is very valuable,we shoule take good care of ourselves.

A Traffic Accident
Yesterday when I was walking along the street,I saw an old lady in front of me.
She wanted to cross the street.
All of a sudden,a bicycle ran against her at a high speed.
The old woman fell to the ground.The cyclist was very frightened and ran away.I hurried to help the lady up,called a taxi and sent her to the nearest hospital.Luckily she was not badly hurt.
We live in a large city which is like a big family.We should
care for each other.
On Feb 8,2008,I walked in a park,witnessing an elder’s being knocked down.(2008年2月8日,我在公园里散步,目击一位老人被撞倒.)
The registration number of the hit-and-run car I had seen is AC864.(肇事后逃逸的那辆车车牌号我看到是AC864.)
And then I took the elder to a hospital.(然后我将老人送往医院.)
Now he has recovered from injuries sustained in the accident.(老人在车祸中受的伤现在已痊愈.)
What’s more,he has got a certain amount of compensation from the troublemaker due to my reporting the case to the police.(而且,由于我的报案,老人从肇事者处获得一定赔偿.)
He thanks me very much.(他非常感谢我.)