1、A man so difficult to _____ must be hard to ________.A please work B please work withC be pleased work with D be pleased be worked with两个空为什么不用被动?2、______ rich knowledge you have,you can^t stop learning.A whatever B however选什么为什么


1、A man so difficult to _____ must be hard to ________.
A please work B please work with
C be pleased work with
D be pleased be worked with
2、______ rich knowledge you have,you can^t stop learning.
A whatever B however

B A man ( who is so difficult to _please____ must be hard to ___work ____with_.

1. C
2. A

补充为A man so difficult (for us) to please must be hard (for us) to work with.对于“取悦”和“一同工作”这两个动作,施动者都是“我们”
等于no matter how rich knowledge you have,...无论你的知识多丰富