完形阅读 Jenny was my grandma.She came into the world in 19 18 and died in 2008.Jenny was my grandma.She came into the world in 19 18 and died in 2008.She didn’tlive to be 100 years old,___31___she had a good,long life.She was a___32___70 years ago.She taught in Africa for many years,Then she___33___Africa and moved to Malaysia(马来西亚).She taught English there for a few years.At thattime,people didn’t travel by___34___,so she traveled by ship.It ___35__ her


完形阅读 Jenny was my grandma.She came into the world in 19 18 and died in 2008.
Jenny was my grandma.She came into the world in 19 18 and died in 2008.She didn’t
live to be 100 years old,___31___she had a good,long life.
She was a___32___70 years ago.She taught in Africa for many years,Then she___33___
Africa and moved to Malaysia(马来西亚).She taught English there for a few years.At that
time,people didn’t travel by___34___,so she traveled by ship.It ___35__ her three months to
go by ship from England to Malaysia in those days.In 1947,she traveled by plane for the
first time.This new transportation made traveling a lot ___36___.She didn’t stop teaching
until she was seventy-five years old.
Jenny really loved teaching and she was also good at___37___ stories.I always hear her
talk about her stories.They were very interesting,and 1 would like to listen to her when I
was___38___.It was amazing that she could remember___39___ though she was old,I think it
was because she ___40___stopped working and thinking.My grandmother was really a great
31.A.and B.SO C.or D.but
32.A.teacher B.doctor C.nurse D.singer
33.A.visited B.left C.stayed in D.got to
34.A.plane B.ship C.train D.bus
35.A.spent B.paid C.had D.took
36.A.quicker B.harder C.worse D.safer
37.A.writing B.acting C.hearing D.telling
38.A.tired B.old C.free D.thirsty
39.A.nothing B.something C.everything D.nobody
40.A.always B.usually C.sometimes D.never