一些词组麻烦告诉我意思和音标1.take inventory2.write a report3.speak to the boss4.go to the bank5.eat lunch6.give out the paychecks7.set up the meeting room8.see the personnel officer9.get gas10.drive to the gym11.do sit-ups


1.take inventory
2.write a report
3.speak to the boss
4.go to the bank
5.eat lunch
6.give out the paychecks
7.set up the meeting room
8.see the personnel officer
9.get gas
10.drive to the gym
11.do sit-ups

1.take inventory 盘点
2.write a report 写报告
3.speak to the boss 跟老板说去
4.go to the bank 去银行
5.eat lunch 吃午饭
6.give out the paychecks 发工资
7.set up the meeting room 准备好会议室
8.see the personnel officer 见个人助理 应该是 personal
9.get gas 加油 (不是鼓励那个,是去加油站那个)
10.drive to the gym 开车去健身房
11.do sit-ups 做仰卧起坐