英语翻译1.如果你有很多钱,你想做的事是什么?虚拟2她说的话使得查清事情真相成为可能make it possible to do3新鲜空气和运动能使身体健康develop4这个计划他们一直讨论到深夜work on


1.如果你有很多钱,你想做的事是什么?虚拟2她说的话使得查清事情真相成为可能make it possible to do3新鲜空气和运动能使身体健康develop4这个计划他们一直讨论到深夜work on


If you had a lot of money, what would u like to do? What she spoke about made it possible to find the truth.Fresh air and exercise develops health.They'workedon the plan until.hav no hobbies in common

If you had a lot of money,what would you like to do?What she said made it possible to find the truth.Fresh air and exercises develop physical healthThey worked on the plan until deep night.