适当形式填空 1、This is our new teaching (.) (build)2.His father is in the book trade and he is good.(.) (trade)3.There are some(.)(different)between the two picture4.Sally enjoyed(.)(exercise) in the morning5.we decided (.)(visit)Uncle Wang


适当形式填空 1、This is our new teaching (.) (build
2.His father is in the book trade and he is good.(.) (trade)
3.There are some(.)(different)between the two picture
4.Sally enjoyed(.)(exercise) in the morning
5.we decided (.)(visit)Uncle Wang

1、This is our new teaching (.building ) 教学楼2.His father is in the book trade and he is good.(.trader 商人)3.There are some(.differences 名词‘ 不同’ ) between the two picture4.Sally enjoyed(.exer...