the use they are ________ the waste helps to save a lot of money.A. made of B. made from C. making up of D. making of我知道选D.但是想分析一下这个句子的成分.解释选D的原因.谁能给我解释下,介词+关代,什么时候关代前面要加介词,什么时候介词放在从句的谓动后面.是不是介词的位置很随意?前后都可以?


the use they are ________ the waste helps to save a lot of money.
A. made of B. made from C. making up of D. making of

1 The use helps to save a lot of money.
2 They are making use of the waste
再合并起来:the use (that(==use))they are __making _(_use_把这个use去掉_)of__ the waste helps to save a lot of money.
再进一步:The use (THAT) they are ___MAKING OF _____ the waste helps to save a lot of money.

make the use of 短语,利用
此句为强调句,强调the use
主语是,They are making the use of the waste
谓语 help to save
宾语 a lot of money