请问bring up,educate,raise 在“养育”上的区别请举例说明


请问bring up,educate,raise 在“养育”上的区别

bring up 是指不但抚养还教育的那种,就像父母。
eg. He was brought up by a very kind man who had much influence on his personality.
educate 只是指教育一个人,没有抚养那个人长大的意思,就像老师。
eg. The teacher try to educate every students carefully.
raise 单纯的指抚养、喂养,教育的意义很少。
eg. That lovely cat was raised by me.

bring up 是指不但抚养还教育的那种,就像父母.
He was brought up to respect authority.他从小就受到尊敬师长的教育.
Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt.他出生后不久父母双亡,是由姑母抚养长大的.
educate 只是指教育一个人,没有抚养那个人长大的意思,就像老师.
Where were you educated?你在哪所学校学习的?
raise 单纯的指抚养、喂养,教育的意义很少.
It's difficult raising a family on a small income.依靠微薄收入是很难养家的.