not only but also not only ...but also ...可以连接 前后对等的句子成分..那这句话.这么写行么.不只是你喜欢这幅画,我们三个也喜欢这幅画 Not only you but also we three like the picture.此句子行么?来源百度知道上,觉得不太对吧?下面这个写法 行不行?Not only you like this picture,but also the three of us ( like this picture).not only ,but also 前后,主语 不一样也行是吧?大概讲讲.不用太复杂.


not only but also
not only ...but also ...可以连接 前后对等的句子成分..那这句话.这么写行么.
Not only you but also we three like the picture.此句子行么?来源百度知道上,觉得不太对吧?
下面这个写法 行不行?
Not only you like this picture,but also the three of us ( like this picture).
not only ,but also 前后,主语 不一样也行是吧?