能帮个忙不?一篇英语短文,帮我提几个问题Mr Black and I work in the same factory .Every morning ,he goes to work by train .As he has a long trip ,he always buys a newspaper .It helps him to make the time pass more quickly .One Tuesday morning ,he turned to the sports page .He wanted to read the report about the important football match the night before .The team of his own town won the match .The report was so interesting that he forgot to get off at his station .He didn’


Mr Black and I work in the same factory .Every morning ,he goes to work by train .As he has a long trip ,he always buys a newspaper .It helps him to make the time pass more quickly .One Tuesday morning ,he turned to the sports page .He wanted to read the report about the important football match the night before .The team of his own town won the match .The report was so interesting that he forgot to get off at his station .He didn’t know it until he saw the sea .He got off at the next station ,and had to wait a long time for a train to go back .Of course ,he arrived very late at his office .His boss was angry when Mr Black told him why he was late .“Work is more important than football .”he shouted .

1.Where does Mr Black work?
2.How does Mr Black go to work every day?
3.What does Mr Black often do on the train to work?
4.What happened to Mr Black one Tuesday morning?
5.What news did the newspaper tell Mr Black?
5.When did the football match take place?
6.Did the team of Mr Black own town win the match?
7.Was Mr Black late for work that day?
8.What did Mr Black's boss say to him when he arrived at the office?