


Darling,why do you hide something from me?Do you know how deeply hurt my heart?
At first,when somebody told me that,I didn't believe that, I thought you won't do that,you will tell me if you do something about her .But....Somebody tell me why?

oh my darling, why you have to cheat on me ? Do you have any idea how my heart aches? I didn't believe it when someone told me firstly, I thought you wouldn't do that, for if the thing is about her, you would have told me even if you have done that, but.. who can tell me, it just, why?

Dear darling, why are you hiding things from me? Do you know how badly it hurts in my heart? When they told me about it, I did not believe it. I didn't think that you could do anything like that because even if you had done it about her you would have told me. But, who can tell me the reason why all this had happened.

My honey, why did you hide something to me? Do you know how bad I felt? I didnt believe in it firstly when people said so, because I trust you will tell me what you did to her. But....Who can give me a reason for why it happened

Darling,why do you hide things away from me?Do you know how painful it is going to be in my heart?I didn't even believe it when people told me at first.I can't believe you would do things like that be...