英语翻译One day a Frenchman went to New York.He didn’t know a word of English.When he arrived in NewYork,he took a bus to a hotel.It was SundaN and the Frenchman decided to go out for a walk.He left the hotel and went out into the street.As he walked along the street,he suddenly remembered that he did not know the name of the street.So he decided to write it down.He looked at the wall near the comer of the street.There he saw some English words and copied


One day a Frenchman went to New York.He didn’t know a word of English.When he arrived in NewYork,he took a bus to a hotel.
It was SundaN and the Frenchman decided to go out for a walk.He left the hotel and went out into the street.
As he walked along the street,he suddenly remembered that he did not know the name of the street.So he decided to write it down.He looked at the wall near the comer of the street.There he saw some English words and copied them down in his notebook.‘"Now I know the name of this street.’he said to himself“It will be easy for me to get back to the hotel.’’
He walked for a long time in the city.Then he felt tired and wanted to go back to his hotel.He took the notebook out of his pocket and showed the name of the street to a voung woman.
The young woman read the words in the notebook and looked at the Frenchman.She did not know what he wanted.
Then the Frenchman decided to ask someone else.He stopped an old man and show him the words in his notebook.Neither did the old man know what the Frenchman wanted.
Then the Frenchman saw a young man.The young man knew some French.When the
Frenchman showed him the words in h话notebook and asked him where that street was.the young man laughed and laughed,of these were the words in the Frenchman’s notebook:One Way Stree