下面那个句子中的with which 的with 是什么用法,表达什么含义?it is unusual for a seller to be able to find a unique selling point or a competitive advantage with which to convince the customer .


下面那个句子中的with which 的with 是什么用法,表达什么含义?
it is unusual for a seller to be able to find a unique selling point or a competitive advantage with which to convince the customer .


这是个定语从句,换成正常语序为:convince the customer with a competitive advantage

在英语中经常能看见be以原形形式出现,除了在to后面,和被动的情况,还有很多另外想告诉你的是,你所说的BE WITH YOU等情况其实其中的BE大多可以用一个

with是介词,和which构成介宾结构在从句中做to convince的方式状语

with the advantage of具备...的优势
...advantage (with which to convince the customer ).括号内是一个定语从句
to convince the customer with the advantage to do 表目的
希望能帮到你 O(∩_∩)O~