Remember that one should be thankful that there is any fault of which one can be unjustly accused.which 在这句的用法,并且分析下这句话有没有语病?这句话的翻译是不是,一个人应该心存感激那些有一点小错误就会受到不公证待遇的人?


Remember that one should be thankful that there is any fault of which one can be unjustly accused.
which 在这句的用法,并且分析下这句话有没有语病?这句话的翻译是不是,一个人应该心存感激那些有一点小错误就会受到不公证待遇的人?

这里是be accused of 。。。被指控,指责,定于从句of提前which指代的的是fault,同时这里的
of which 可以用where代替

前面一个 that 是引导宾语从句.后面一个 that 引导状语从句.
should be 用做虚拟语气.which引导定语从句.解释说明 fault .
there is any fault which can be unjustly accused of... (of 放到 which 前面也是对的.)
翻译:记住,一个人应该对 任何一个被不公正审判(指控)过错 心存感激.