英语翻译他的计划是我们昨天及时赶上火车成为可能(make it possible)如果你不想使汤姆失望,就应该给他一些好的建议(let sb.down)我现在买不起这辆轿车,但是十年后我能买得起(afford to do)张燕已经把牛奶喝完了,所以她不得不去超市再买一些(run out off)


他的计划是我们昨天及时赶上火车成为可能(make it possible)
如果你不想使汤姆失望,就应该给他一些好的建议(let sb.down)
我现在买不起这辆轿车,但是十年后我能买得起(afford to do)
张燕已经把牛奶喝完了,所以她不得不去超市再买一些(run out off)

His plan made it possible to catch our train yesterday.
If you don't want to let Tom down, you should give him some good advice.
I can't afford the car now, but I can afford to buy it ten years later.
Zhang Yan runs out of milk so she has to buy some at a supermarket.

His plan made it possible that yesterday we caught the train in time
If you don't want to let Tom down,you should give him some good advice
I can't afford to buy the car now,but I can afford it in ten years
Zhang yan has run out off the milk ,so she had to go to the supermarket to buy more
可能最后一句应该是buy some.